Thursday, March 6, 2008


so i was signing up for classes to take next year at my school ( i know, I am already almost done with 10th grade) and I saw an animation class. I went to the teacher who was gonna teach the class and he said he has never used flash that much, and put that on the list to see who all would want to take the class, and cuz the school is getting flash next year. Now the guy who was going to teach it actually teaches a whole bunch of other media classes like journalism and is head of the year book staff and stuff like that, so he told me to sign up for one of his other classes, and he will just let me mess around with flash, and that there were other kids that knew how to use it well and would teach me. IM SOOO EXCITED!! I have had flash on my comp. forever and have never been able make anything that great. So hopefully next year my animations will launch off.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

what i'm working on

I realized that I have never talked about the productions and stuff me and my friends are doing, so here they are

the classroom- This is like the office, but in a classroom setting with kids. It will have the same kind of humor and camera documentary kind of thig like "the office" , but will be more related to high school. Me and one of my friends wrote the script and I have who is going to play what. I am just waiting for a day when everyone is free. I probably won't start filming until the summer

Amish Astronauts: Silver fox trot- this is a cd me and 3 of my friends are working on. It is a cd with real music that we made! wow! It started when I just made up this one song called "buttermilk" off the top of my head and put it on the internet. A lot of the kids at my school heard it and thought it was hilarious, so I decided to make a cd. I have made five songs, but I dont want to release the cd until I get at least ten.

The Amish Astronaut- This is a cartoon show that I always wanted to make. I have some really good ideas about what I could do, and some of my friends are willing to pitch in for help with animation and voices. I made a little comic about it in art class, but besides that, I havnt done anything :(

here is a pic of the astronaut. My friend made it in photoshop. Also, I really dont know how to spell astronaut. I hope its right!
Free Image Hosting at

Well thats all the stuff goin on

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ugh stats hw

well i cant make this long cuz i got other homework to do (and this is really just something I am doing to stall), but I just wanted to say hey and Welcome back Ryan! I think he left to go back home today and will be home tomorrow. Wow I remember when he left I was thinking about how much older I would be when he got back. I was like "oh, man. IM GONNA HAVE MY PERMIT, AND BE IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!" haha well life goes fast

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

pokemon halo

me and my friend thought of making a pokemon movie on halo. this is the commercial. tell me what you think

Saturday, September 15, 2007

halo 3!!!

this commercial is AMAZING

Friday, July 27, 2007

long time no see

well its been a while. I am in ryan's room right now making sure none of the little kids who are over don't mess with anything. The turtle flipped over while trying to get water and it scared the crap out of me. I ran downstairs screaming "the turtle flipped! what do i do?!" elise just came in and flipped him back over, lol. trying to finish up with my trailer. I am very pleased with it. I made everyone out of circles and squares, and the zombies don't have faces, but it's got movement, and for now that's all that matters. Now i just need to find out how to make text fade in and out...

anyway i got a new computer. its an xps 710. It has 2GB of ram, nvidea gforce 8600, and a liquid cooling system. It cost about $1,800, but dell has a thing where you can pay it off monthly. so I actually pay just $50 a month for now, and when i get a job (which better be soon) I will be paying a lot more.

Some of my friends say its a waste and I could have just gotten a 360, but this comp. has so much more and I could just add on to it in the future. So I will pretty much never need to depend on systems until i am pretty much 40, and then i could still use it to play classics. Idk, i got in a big fight with one of them and he made me really pissed. He bought a mac for $3,000 and since you cant change out graphic cards and things like that with macs, he got the short side of the stick, but i don't tell him that. If he wanted it then he wants it, and I don't think it was nice to say I was a retard to buy something I have wanted for a long time. sry i am just venting a little lol

I went to efy, and it was fun. I went in san antonio so it was not as expensive as going to utah, but you still get the same experience.

Everyone needs to play runescape...or wow (world of warcraft)
I think runescape is a little more fun, but thats mainly cuz i have been playing it longer and all my friends play runescape. I got one of my friends to play wow, but not a lot of other people like him. lol

well i think that pretty much covers everything.

Monday, April 23, 2007

sad post

one of my friends died a few days ago. He was a really cool guy and was really funny. On the night of the prom he got drunk and left the after party. He was walking around the lake thats like 5 feet away from my house and fell in it. Nobody knew where he was. They had helicopters and search partys all around the lake. One night a fisherman found a dead body floating above the water. It was my friend. Not only was he drunk, but he also took 3 sleeping pills.

So lets have a recap of my wonderful first year of high school
one kid died in a car wreck
another drowned
3 kids were beatin up in a bathroom
1 kid was beatin up so bad he started to pee blood and went to the hospital

so yeah, its been a year to remember